This summer, I allowed myself to lay fallow. My fallow season may have been needed to produce a greater quality harvest but it’s also been an unexpected blessing. It reminded me that I’m not the product of my production. I rejected the Western/capitalist social myth that my value is only connected to what I produce. I am enough and I am worthy of rest. (As avatars and echoes of God, we should rest even when we have the power to work. Controlled power is real strength.)
Tonight is the last night of my summer. Oh, I know summer technically ends on September 22. But the spirit of summer, the choices, the freedom, ends tonight. The first day of school for our daughters is tomorrow. My doctoral classes (including Quantitative Research Methods!) resume Thursday. Ashley’s clientele continues to increase. I’ve got a speaking engagement Saturday, new student chaplain interns arriving at our hospital in three weeks, and a full dance card this fall. Yet, I am better prepared to approach this next season because of the gifts summer has given me. I hope you have enjoyed fallow times this summer. I believe they can make us better. Check out my ode and slideshow below. Thank you Summer.
An Ode to Summer
For rest,
For daydreams and dalliances,
For new places to nestle and nap.
For experimentation and exercise.
For rekindled romance.
For meditative moments uninterrupted by deadlines.
For Nnede Okorafor’s novel Who Fears Death.
For Megan Thee Stallion.
For Brian Courtney Wilson.
For watching Ashley present at a conference.
For strengthening my bond with Shakespeare, the Carter’s family dog.
For long talks with my sister.
For freedom from wearing my retainer 24/7 (always at night though!).
For a clearer commute.
For an encouraging conversation with my academic advisor.
For French toast with Florida friends.
For spraying the girls with water hoses.
For colleagues that laughed and cried with me.
For grandparents who love their grandchildren.
For sermon requests that came at the right time.
For relaxing our tie requirement at work.
For Augmented Reality.
For late nights and early mornings.
For sustenance in the midst of major financial changes.
For sweat. #drip
For visits from old friends.
For the looks on the girls’ faces as they ascended in an airplane.
For barbecued turkey chops with the Browns.
For fireworks.
For trying new wines.
For playing NBA 2K with my nephew.
For teaching me about growth through rest.
Thank you Summer.