Wednesday, December 17, 2008

On The Re-Remix (Holidays)

Today, holidays usually refer to days off of work that are outside of the normal weekend. They are filled with food-eating, family-gathering, and credit card-maxing. However, both the word and the definition of “holiday” have been remixed. The original word was “holy day” and it had two definitions. Both are applicable as we enter this season.

1. Religious festival. It is during this time that people should remember the promises and provisions of God. In many cultures people are the most reverent of the spiritual, acknowledging God with special traditions, customs, and ceremonies during this time.

2. A day of recreation. It is a time of rest from the hectic pace and heavy burdens of work. It is also a time of rejuvenation of the mind, body, and spirit.

As a believer in Christ, I can undo the remix this holiday season. I can take it back to what it really means. What is that? Firstly, a time of celebrating God for all His goodness. He has done so much this year and before this year that deserves our attention and reverence. Secondly, I can be re-created. I can take some actual down-time and relax from the normal schedule of life. I can also use this as a time to become renewed for the year to come.

In addition to this, I can also re-remix this holiday season by combining both definitions – Having a religious festival in celebration of my day of re-creation. It is because of Jesus Christ that I have been born again (II Corinthians 5:17, below). I can thank God that one day He saw fit to enter my life, grant me salvation, and fill me with His Spirit. This is what this holiday is about to me – praising God for the new life I have in Christ. I pray we all re-remix what this holiday season should really mean - celebrating our re-creation in Jesus Christ.

God, thank You for this last year. It has been amazing. So many testimonies, so many provisions, so many good things. Thank You for every family member, friend, enemy, and stranger. Thank You for their place in my life. Thank You as well for the bad news, disappointments, and struggles. At times, they have been difficult, but I thank You for those too. They happened for a reason. God, help us celebrate You this holiday season. Please allow us to remember the reason for the season. It’s not a festival for our families, it’s not a day of religious play-time - but it is a holy day. Please let this holiday be re-remixed into a celebration dedicated to the new life we have in Jesus Christ. Thank You.

On the 1's and 2's,


2 Corinthians 5:17 (New Living Translation)
This means that anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. The old life is gone; a new life has begun!

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