Sunday, February 28, 2010

On Starting Over - Part 3: Living Like the Last Witness

This is the third of a three part series. These posts examine the idea of re-creating Christianity. In essence, how would we “start over”? For the introduction, visit Part 1.


A man with an experience beats a man with knowledge every time.
- Pastor Dave Norris

Now that we understand that the world can know Christianity again through the Bible and the parables of others, it may seem that all is well. Things will fall into place, sinners will come to repentance, and Jesus will be Lord of the earth again. Yet, we are misled if we think this way. If we think that all people need is the Bible and some stories to live as a Christian, we are mistaken. In our past, I’m sure we can think of examples where people had a Bible, had some good stories, yet weren’t living like Christ. So, what else does it take?

It takes an example. This is the part that will keep the world from missing Jesus. If they never see Him they can never be Him. Not only do people need words and stories, they need LIVING epistles (II Corinthians 3:2-3 below). I can know the Word, but if I’m not living it, it helps no one.

In a Christ-less world, that means my example becomes even more important. If I am trying to re-create Christianity, the most effective way to do that is through my lifestyle! I must live a Spirit-filled life of joy, peace, love, patience, self-control, meekness, and gentleness. I must be a positive person in my environment. I must be Christ in the earth.

Will I be hurt? Yes. Will I suffer? Yes. Will I sin? Yes. But I must overcome. I must live in victory. I must live as if I am redeemed. Then, people will wonder, “what does he have that keeps him joyful and at peace?” At that moment, grounded in the word and armed with testimonies, I can begin to share my witness. Combined with my example, my witness will have power and a depth that reaches souls. And one by one, with each salvation, I can see a new world receiving Christ and reflecting his likeness across the earth. What an amazing sight to behold!


Thank you for traveling through these thoughts with me for the last three months. I pray they have empowered you to be a better disciple. Let’s live our lives as if we are the last Christian on earth. Peace and love on the journey.

Lord, thank You for loving each of us as if we were Your only children. You have never given up on us, never left us, never dismissed us. You are our constant source of strength. Please be with those that don’t know You today. Help them see You. Please also help those of us who say we know You. Help us show the world Your goodness, grace, and mercy. God, bless us to care about souls enough to study the Word, appreciate stories, and live like Jesus. I love You. I keep finding out just how much You love me too. Thank You.


II Corinthians 3:2-3 (NKJV)
2 You are our epistle written in our hearts, known and read by all men; 3 clearly you are an epistle of Christ, ministered by us, written not with ink but by the Spirit of the living God, not on tablets of stone but on tablets of flesh, that is, of the heart.

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