Monday, January 30, 2012

YGT: The Problem with Romney's Taxes

The major political news last week was that former governor and current presidential hopeful Mitt Romney finally released his taxes.  If you haven't seen them, a summary is below (along with President Barck Obama and Newt Gingrich's). 


The problem with Romney's taxes is NOT that he’s rich from investments.  While it’s amazing to see how much wealthier he got last year without working, it’s not illegal or unethical.  The problem with Romney’s taxes is also not that his tax burden is 14% (under the national top income bracket of 35% - that means he pays a lower tax rate than most other working American citizens).  The problem is that ALL of our tax rates aren’t 14% because of tax benefits.

Spiritually, what is at stake here is the way we value people.  The rich and poor should be treated equally.  Yet those who are wealthy pay lower tax rates and have many other benefits afforded to them that others don’t.  This is inconsiderate at best and criminal at worst. 

I’m not attempting to be a political pundit or a financial expert (there are PLENTY of outlets for that).  But as a person who believes in God, it is troubling to see rampant economic inequality sanctioned by government.  It is even worse to witness the church’s silence on economic issues that affect every congregant who attends worship.  THAT’S the real problem with Romney’s taxes – they have indicted the church as a willing participant in economic injustice.  We’ve not sounded the alarm that the best off in our society are given far greater benefits by our government than the worst off.  Sadly, it seems that we too, have been paid off.  I wonder what the tax rate is………………………………..501(c)3…?

Lord, please give us the courage to stand up for the least in our society.  Help us not to be so heavenly minded that we're no earthly good.  To care about your people is to care about their well-being, including economically.  Please help us to challenge our leaders to advocate fairly and inspire our churches to speak out against injustice.  Give our elected leaders strength, wisdom, and grace in their decisions.  In the name of our leader, Jesus Christ, we pray.  Amen.


Proverbs 28:21
To show partiality is not good...

*I know this scripture seems to speak against programs that consider differentiating factors when making decisions, such as affirmative action, but that's not the case. The role of impartiality is to act in fairness. Affirmative action programs have been instituted because in many arenas, decisions have not historically been based on fairness. Instead, there's been a history of unfair decisions. Affirmative action programs exist to correct unjust practices that have existed (and in many cases, still do).

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