Monday, February 20, 2012

YGT: A Prophetic Vacation Home

Never forget where you came from…

This week, Ashley, Jocelyn, and I are in our hometown East Chicago, Indiana. Coming to EC is always a mixed blessing.  In the midst of the reunions and irreplaceable people, is the reality of change.  I’m no longer who I was when I lived here, but I’m still connected in a way that can never be changed.  I love the community even though it’s hard to see it flatlining in some areas and declining in others.  Somehow, I don’t feel I’m alone in this.  Even Jesus felt that it was difficult to go home (Mark 6:4 below)

Today, I attended Apostolic Faith Church in Chicago and heard a powerful sermon by Bishop Horace Smith.  He preached about having “Prophetic Vision”.  In the message, he remarked on the many ways we limit ourselves in what we believe.  One of the ways we do this is by looking back and becoming satisfied with what we've become.  God is doing a “new thing” (Isaiah 43), he exclaimed.  This encouraged me not to become complacent in the vision God has for my life. 

Another great word from the Bishop - “God doesn’t give you more Holy Ghost”.  He only renews the Holy Spirit that was lying dormant in a believer.  I surely felt the spirit awakened in service.  Today was a day of renewal. 

As I was saying - Never forget where you came from... but never forget where you're going.

Lord, thank You for the power of going home.  Please bless the city of East Chicago, it's leaders, and it's children.  I'm grateful to have a place to return and be revived.  We await our final vacation home with You.  In Christ's name, Amen.


Mark 6:4
Jesus said to them, “A prophet is not without honor except in his own town, among his relatives and in his own home.”

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