Sunday, April 1, 2012

YGT: Christianity > USA

U.S. citizens treat Christianity as if it is synonymous with being American.  If we're not careful, we can collapse one into the other.  BEWARE.  Christianity is not:

  • Capitalism. It does not support getting rich at the expense of others.  In fact, Jesus promotes giving wealth to the poor. (Luke 18:22) Below is an analogous map of the world's wealth (the larger the country, the more of the world's wealth they possess).  It's clear that we have a lot to give and that there are lots in the world who need what we have.  

  • Exclusive.  Most Christians in the world don't look like US citizens.  Not only are they non-white, they are largely non-American!  Below is an analogous map of the Christian population in the world (the size corresponds to the amount of Christians there).  As we can see, we have no right to pretend that we have a monopoly on Christianity.  Our faith is continuing to diversify as it travels south of the equator and we should be doing our best to diversify ourselves.  Scripture shows us that the first church was diverse (Acts 2) and that God included many nations in His plans for salvation (Matthew 28:19).

  • A Birthright - The Bible tells us that salvation is a gift (Ephesians 2:8-9).  Just being born in this country does not give us a right to Jesus Christ.  Although it's likely we have knowledge of Christ because of where we live, that doesn't guarantee our salvation.  

Make no mistake, it is a blessing to live in the USA.  We are priveleged far beyond most others in this world.  But that doesn't remove our ability and responsibility to critique the systems we live under.  To whom much is given, much is required.  

What does it mean that God has called us to live in this time in this country?  That God has called us to be laborers in a vineyard with bad crops?  We need to interrogate that.  Our country needs wholesale revival.   Not in Congress halls, but in Christian hearts.  As much as we love our country, we must love the kingdom more.

Lord, please give us the wisdom to see our nation as you see it.  Help us look past the trappings of plenty and see the vices that betray Your Spirit.  When we are called to choose sides, as we often are, please give us the courage to stand for You in the face of social pressure to stand for ourselves.  You will never deport us.  You will never depart from us.  You are our Lord and master.  In Christ's name, Amen.


Ephesians 2:8-9
8For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God— 
9 not by works, so that no one can boast.

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