Sunday, October 11, 2009

On Brett Favre's Birthday

Yesterday, October 10, 2009, marked the birthday of three people who will forever be connected: My twin brother Jermaine, me (duh), and Brett Favre. Why us three, you ask? Because we have each tried not to let our ages hold us back from being excellent.

For those who know Jermaine and/or me, we just turned 27. After reading that, you may be thinking, “What’s the big deal? Twenty-seven is not old. Why are you tripping about that?” Well, to that I say, you’re right… kind of. Twenty-seven has not traditionally been considered old. But one recent study is beginning to change the way the aging process is viewed. According to Timothy Salthouse at the University of Virginia, old age ‘technically’ begins at 27. This study purports that mental abilities such as reasoning, speed of thought, and spatial visualization begin to decline at 27. Does that mean that a 27 year old should be worried about being slower at reasoning and thinking? To that, I say, kind of. This study was meant to be a call and challenge to all in their later 20’s or early 30’s. Personally, it was a wake up call that old age is nearer than I might think.

However, although old age is 'technically' nearing, that does not mean that I have to accept a decline in my abilities or expectations. This birthday, I have completely decided that 27 will not be the peak in my mental, physical, or spiritual life. After winning battles in the civil rights movement at a young age, Martin Luther King, Jr. once said (paraphrasing), any person who peaks at the age of 27 has a long life ahead of them. I am on a quest to continue improving, continue sharpening, continue rising. For help doing that, I need only look around me -

Jesus Christ did not begin his ministry until around the age of 30 (Luke 3:23 below). Although he knew he would only be on earth 33 years, he didn’t peak until most of his earthly life was over. He was being stretched emotionally and spiritually (such as in the Garden of Gethsemane) until the moment he died. He is an inspiration that I can grow spiritually stronger and deeper as long as I’m on earth.

Jermaine has recently been accepted to college now that he’s finished the Navy. He also was just offered a new job and begins this week. He also has an opportunity to travel to Florida for a possible career option. Best of all, he and his wife just had their first child, Isaiah Allen Gilmore (pictured w/me to the right - he was born exactly a week after our Jocelyn!). Jermaine is one of the most driven individuals I know. He is destined to continue rising.

Brett Favre… yes, Brett Favre. Favre is enjoying one of the best stretches of his career at the age of 40. He is back in the NFL (he kinda never left) and playing at an exceptional level. He is proof that you can’t allow yourself to be limited or accept complacency due to your age.

These figures help me see that while Salthouse's study may say I should be declining, I can combat that. In fact, there are countless ways we can all fend off noticeable declines in our mental abilities. Reading books, doing math equations, and challenging ourselves with complex problems, all strengthen our minds to continue rising. I look forward to further growth and one day, far from now, reaching my cognitive peak.

To close...
So how do I feel about this birthday? At 27, I feel good. Jesus, forever my Savior, has risen and urges me to continue peaking… Jermaine, at 27, is still hopeful and rising everyday… And Brett Favre, at 40, rose once, then rose again, and is now throwing 50 yard touchdowns on Sunday afternoons. Lol. They have eached reached new peaks over and over again. To that, I say, thanks for the example and pass me the ball.

Lord, You are incredible. Thank You for the gift of a mind. Please let this mind be in us that was also in Christ Jesus. Let it be a mind that will continue improving as we age. Please allow us to be diligent about keeping ourselves fresh and sharp. Let us not become complacent or satisfied in reaching our peak at an early age. Remind us that there are many years left and that the best is yet to come. Thank You for friends and family who celebrated my birthday with me yesterday. Thank You for every phone call, kind word, and Facebook message. I am grateful for the village You have placed me in. I love You.



Luke 3:23a
Now Jesus himself was about thirty years old when he began his ministry.

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